Dachshunds are our passion...helping the ill & injured is our mission

A registered Non-profit 501(c)3 Organization EIN #83-4234530
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Requesting Help:
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the high cost of MRIs for testing, our funding cannot support applications for MRI tests at this time.
Alternative options for testing/treatment/diagnosis without an MRI, are available. We encourage all pet owners to always ASK & DO YOUR RESEARCH along side of your vet PRIOR to making any final decisions.
We encourage all pet owners to educate themselves with ALL of the TESTING/TREATMENT OPTIONS that may be available for your pet so that your pet can get the the BEST care available that they deserve!
ONLY YOU KNOW YOUR PET'S NEEDS BEST! A Healthy partnership with your vet as your pet's health provider is the best prescription for making sure your pet will get the BEST care at a rate that you can afford WITHOUT compromising your pet's health.
To be considered for financial assistance, all applicants must complete an application. The Board of Directors strives to make every effort to help everyone who applies. Be advised that there are times when funds are limited and funding cannot be made. .
DFID will financially assist when monies are available for owners who cannot afford veterinary care for sick or injured dachshunds who, by receiving this care, can go on to a healthier life as a result of the veterinary care.
Once the application is reviewed, a funding decision can be made. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. DFID cannot guarantee funding and can deny a request without further explanation. Final funding decisions are based on the resources that are available. If funds are not available, we will do everything we can to guide to places that will help based on your needs.
Dachshund Friends In Deed cannot provide funding to assist for existing credit card of veterinary expenses. Emergency funding is for current needs for veterinary funding not yet incurred. Estimates for emergency/vetting care must be provided.
NO monies are ever paid out to individuals. All monies are only paid directly to vet/vet clinics only.
Should you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact Dachshund Friends In Deed @ DFInDeed@gmail.com.